Month: September 2010

  • Team Japspeed

    When we visited Japspeed for a shop visit and a couple of interviews, Paul aka Mr. Japspeed asked if we could get a killer group shot of the four team cars. The team’s workshop turned out to be a pretty good location and a much better alternative to venturing outside into the hostile weather conditions.…

  • Shane Lynch

    Shane had the rather unfortunate luck of finding himself in front of my lens once again. This time was for an in-depth interview for Speedhunters interview themed month, where we discussed everything from his earliest motorsport attempts to his future ambitions. You can check out the full interview >>here<< with Shane. A big thanks to…

  • Edition38X

    I’m going to try and make an attempt to catch up on some coverage I’ve been shooting for Speedhunters recently. The first of which was the awesome Edition38X event in Overstone Park, Northampton, United Kingdom. The relaxed atmosphere made this one of my favourite shows in 2010. The quality and quantity of cars was absolutely…

  • The Allstars at Wembley

    Better known for it’s field sports, the world re-knowned Wembley Stadium played host to the fourth and penultimate round of the 2010 JDM Allstars series. The entry list was vastly improved upon when compared to previous rounds with only the exceptions of Phil Morrisson and Martin Ffrench being the big absentees. The event was a…