Prodrift Monster Academy Cars

Prodrift Monster Academy Cars
Just finished a series of six images to promote the Prodrift Academy, a school where anyone over the age of 13 can learn how to drift in a safe environment with the instructions of top level driver.For 2009, the two academy cars have received a revamp in matching Monster Energy Drink colours. More shots and some originals after the jump …

Prodrift Monster Academy Cars

The brief for the shoot was fairly simple, the client wanted some simple, clean images that can be used for brochures, posters etc. We had a bit of time to spare at the shoot so we ran with the idea of rigging up one of the cars with the intention of catching both the cars in the same frame. Previously, this would of been a nightmare, but thanks to the new rig, we were allowed some creativity we never had previously. In the above shot, the rig is actually suction mounted to the REAR window of the lead car, then passing over the roof and bonnet to sit about four / five feet from the front bumper.

Prodrift Monster Academy Cars

Sticking with the theme of simplicity, we went for a straightforward shot of the side of the Sileighty car. Being a bright day, with a black car, getting an exposure was a bit of a nightmare. I stacked two circ-pol’s to kill off as much light as possible.

Prodrift Monster Academy Cars

This is the rig on its four meter configuration, using some twine to tension it to the rear spoiler legs. Handy with the 180SX that the rear hatch is nearly all glass, so plenty of grip for the suction mounts. We changed the wheels to green to tie in further with the Monster branding, the photos looked a bit too black and white with the white wheels. Prodrift & Monster liked the change so much they’re getting the wheels powder coated !

Prodrift Monster Academy Cars

This is my personal favorite from the shoot, captures all the sponsors and the close proximity to the wall increases the sense of motion. In reality, the cars were in neutral, free wheeling down the hill in the background, so the maximum speed was around 5mph.

Prodrift Monster Academy Cars

Again we went with some subtle colour changes to re-enforce the Monster branding. By changing the wheel colour again and adjusting the hue of the yellow wall, it strengthens the image from a commercial perspective. The rig in this one is in five meter mode, I still had the option of increasing it by another two meters but was happy with this angle.

Prodrift Monster Academy Cars

For the statics, we just went simple images in front of the pit garages. Several exposures were combined to minimize the reflections. I didn’t bother with lights as now time was getting tight as the cars were due on track for a demonstration.

Prodrift Monster Academy Cars

With the cars parked up in the same spot, I just grabbed another closer shot to emphasize the sponsors on the front bumper.

Prodrift Monster Academy Cars

With the cars on track, getting the usual smokey, good angle drift shots were easy but I wanted to finish with something little bit different. As the car was coming back down the pit straight, the driver was firing the car into 360’s and I caught this shot of the car mid spin. I blew out the background with the aid of the adjustments brush in Lightroom along with a bright vignette.  It still keeps the car in situ, whilst removing any distractions from the background.

– Paddy

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