Tag: Gatebil

  • Erik Jonasson’s Datsun S30

    Erik Jonasson’s Datsun S30

    When life deals you lemons, you make lemonade. Or so they say. One of the toughest aspects of being a photographer is often having to shoot in less than ideal circumstances. I arrived in Sweden back in June to find that my 5D MKII had died in transit. Of course I was well armed with…

  • Gatebil Mantorp Park

    Gatebil Mantorp Park

    Following some recent health issues, I’ve been out of action for the last few weeks. On the plus side, I’ve a couple of interesting shoots and stories to share with you. After the Bavaria City Racing Dublin event, I took to the skies once more. Destination? Sweden for the annual Gatebil show at Mantorp Park,…

  • Koenigsegg Launch New Website

    Koenigsegg Launch New Website

    Swedish Hypercar manufacturer Koenigsegg yesterday launched their new website. Usually a manufacturer launching a new website wouldn’t be of particular interest to me, but this is a little bit different. Log on to Koenigsegg.com and you’ll see why ..

  • Koenigsegg Agera

    Koenigsegg Agera

    Whilst shooting at Gatebil earlier this year, I had the pleasure of photographing the freshly unveiled Swedish built hypercar, the Koenigsegg Agera. I managed to capture a couple of decent-ish snaps of the car as it lapped the Rudskogen course, one of which is my favourite shot of 2011. I never for a moment thought that…

  • Gatebil Rudskogen Part Two

    Gatebil Rudskogen Part Two

    Part two of my Gatebil story concentrates on the track action. With drifting to extreme time attack, Gatebil was a no holds barred automotive extravaganza. Caution : This Story Contains Copious Amounts of Tyre Smoke.

  • Gatebil Rudskogen Part One

    Gatebil Rudskogen Part One

    The last couple of months have been truly memorable. Not only as a photographer but also as a petrolhead. I’ve had the privilege of shooting some of the best events on the planet, events that only a year or two earlier were only but a dream. I know that things as good as this never last long,…

  • Ferrari F40

    Ever since I was a kid, there was only one true exotic car that held my attention. Although I respected the Lamborghinis of the same era and I admired the successors that came after the F40, the F40 still remains the only exotic car I’ve held such a deep down desire for. It took me…

  • Ride-Along with Julian Smith at Gatebil

    [vimeo width=”800″ height=”600″]http://vimeo.com/26436495[/vimeo] It’s slightly more difficult than you’d imagine trying to hold a video camera steady as you’re being flung mostly sideways around the Norwegian countryside in a 500+BHP ER34 Skyline. Soundtrack by Garage D / Nissan RB

  • Koenigsegg Agera

    It’s not very often I post exotics on here but the instant the Agera crested the rise at the Rudskogen track in Norway last weekend, I knew there was something beautiful in front of my eyes. Be sure to keep reading Speedhunters for the most recent stories from Gatebil and I’ll hopefully be able to…