

2010 has quite simply been the most incredible year for myself and the company. Evolving from a part time staff member at a local Blockbuster to a full time professional photographer has been quite a jump. Some 45,000 photographs at near 600GBs, 22 events, 4 weddings, 200+ stories published, 25,000 miles, 5 countries and that is only since April!

For 2011 I’m looking to expand this site into something more than just a portfolio. I’ll be including behind the scenes images from photo shoots, talking about and reviewing new equipment purchases, writing opinion pieces on current affairs and also a new tutorial section on the site where I’ll talk you through buying your first camera right through to the most advanced photography techniques I can manage.

When I’m not active here, you can be sure to find me contributing and working away on Speedhunters.com one of the best automotive sites on the net, bringing you more new and original content than you could ever possibly need.

If you would like to get in contact with me, please drop me an e-mail to paddy@pmcgphotos.com

Finally, I’d just like to wish you all a happy and prosperous 2011 !